Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Jack-O' Lanterns

Apparently, wands are not the only thing that sell well this Halloween ;)


  1. Great job!

    I sold those last year on a few servers. With Bronzebeard I really haven't sold them. Several page on the Ah but they are selling for less than 1 G apiece.The lowest I've seen is 1 silver 10 copper. That person has numerous up on the auction house. I could buy them out (hoping no one has a stockpile of them) but... I'll focus on other areas.

  2. Woah, that's a good sell, I must say. I haven't looked into that this year, but I guess they're not going as well on my server. Anyway, keep sellin' em while you can, income doesn't get much easier than that right there ^^

  3. I sold some I got randomly and the Auctioneer median price was ten-something. I have no idea why people are buying them. According to WoWhead, they have no use at all.

  4. Actually they do have one use, achievments (, but anyone doing it should be aware of how easy it is to get them.

  5. Wow had no idea they were worth that much.
    Gonna start posting them on ah myself

  6. No joke, posted five of them in AH for fun for 53g99s a piece because someone else was posting them for 54g in the AH. Checked the next day and found 2 were sold. Posted another 5 at 10g a piece as there were more people posting it and sold 3 more. Now the AH is flooded with them and drove the prices down to 1g ea.

  7. Goodness. I am on a smaller population server, and wish I could get a quarter that for mine! Nice sale!
